Breast Cancer Research

Did You Know?

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women in the United States. Only skin cancer is more prevalent. 250,000 women a year are diagnosed in the United States alone (2.3 million worldwide).

Thank you for checking out this fundraiser page. Boudoir photographer Michael Jones and Boudoir For Boobs appreciate your help in this fight for life. The research supported by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation is making a real difference in people’s lives today.  A woman who has an inherited gene mutation can now take proactive measures to reduce her risk of developing breast cancer. In addition, early diagnosis is now possible even at stage zero, enabling doctors to better understand the complexities of a tumor and predict how patients will respond to treatment. With each passing day and every dollar contributed, we move one step closer to achieving our ultimate goal; a world without breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Research is Key

Thanks to the continuous advancements in research, scientists are uncovering innovative approaches to detect cancer in its early stages and create personalized medications that specifically target an individual’s unique form of breast cancer.

Although there are still obstacles to overcome, researchers have achieved significant progress in treating breast cancer and have formulated preventive strategies. With ongoing research, we firmly believe that even greater breakthroughs are well within our grasp.

Anyone Can Donate

You don’t need to be a photographer to participate. Anyone can donate to help! Click the pink button to donate today!